Network Solutions


As stated, Azure Networking is a hybrid between your on-premise network and the Microsoft Azure Cloud. There are numerous benefits, the most prominent being that you can deliver your application to thousands of clients through the protective, compliant environment of Azure; ExpressRoute establishes dedicated, private, and secure connections for data movement between your on-premises and the Cloud. These connections don't use the public internet, thus ensuring data security. In addition, ExpressRoute allows additional storage and computing capacity to existing data centers without typical throughput and latency delays, giving you scalability without affecting network performance. This virtual network is ideal for building secure, high-performance hybrid applications due to its high predictability, reliability, and throughput.


Wallero Azure consulting team helps clients manage demanding scenarios, including irregular migration of data, disaster recovery, significant VM movement, and big data transfer to and from the Cloud.

Distribute user traffic to specific endpoints with Azure Traffic Manager

Azure Traffic Manager allows efficient management and control of the distribution of user traffic to Azure Cloud services, websites, and other endpoints. It applies globally aware DNS resolution to all services spread across different regions, based on specified configurations and geographical locations of local DNS servers. In addition, traffic Manager provides a range of traffic-routing methods to distribute traffic such as priority, weighted, performance, geographic, multi-value, or subnet.
Enterprises that use Traffic Manager can experience better application responsiveness, maintenance, and up-gradation sans downtime. In addition, our Azure developers leverage it to enable enterprises to optimize user traffic distribution, especially for big and complex deployments.

Using Azure Load Balancer for unmatched availability and performance

Azure Load Balancer provides inbuilt load balancing for the creation of highly scalable and available applications. It supports HTTP, SMTP, HTTPS, and even protocols used for real-time audio-video messaging applications. It scales automatically in response to increased load and offers protection for private networks with the help of inbuilt NAT. In addition, it monitors the health of application instances, automatically removing unhealthy ones and reinstating them once they are healthy again.
Enterprises that use Load Balancer experience better balancing of user load on their VMs and cloud services. Multi-level hybrid application development is easy with Azure Load Balancer. Leverage it to increase uptime and impart scalability & security to enterprise apps.

Tie on-premises Infrastructure to Azure Cloud securely using VPN Gateway

Azure VPN Gateway routes network traffic among virtual networks and on-premises locations or virtual networks. It allows the connection of IT infrastructure to the Cloud providing high availability, security, anywhere access, and easy management. It uses Internet Protocol Security (IPsec), Internet Key Exchange (IKE), and Industry standard protocols for ensuring high security. In addition, it offers point-to-site VPN, allowing VMs to Cloud virtual networks from anywhere, and comes with an SLA that guarantees 99% VPN uptime for each VPN gateway.


Enterprises rope in the VPN Gateway to connect on-premises data centers to Azure via site-to-site VPNs. We can connect enterprise IT resources securely to the Cloud from anywhere.

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